Chapter 28

1 Bad people run away even when no one chases them, but good people are as brave as a lion.
2 When a country sins, it has many rulers, but a wise and knowledgeable man will help it last longer.
3 A poor person who mistreats other poor people is like a rainstorm that destroys all the crops.
4 Those who ignore God’s laws praise the bad people, but those who follow the laws stand against them.
5 Bad people do not understand what is right, but those who look for God understand everything.
6 It’s better to be poor and honest than to be dishonest and rich.
7 Whoever follows the law is a wise child, but he who hangs out with wild people brings shame to his parent.
8 Whoever makes money through charging too much interest and unfair profit will end up collecting wealth for someone who cares for the poor.
9 Whoever ignores the law, even their prayers are detestable.
10 Anyone who leads good people to do wrong will fall into their own trap, but the honest will get good things.
11 The rich man thinks he is smart, but the poor with insight can see through him.
12 When good people are happy, there is great joy; but when bad people gain power, others go into hiding.
13 Whoever hides their sins won’t succeed, but the one who admits and stops them will receive mercy.
14 The person who always respects God is happy, but someone who becomes stubborn will get into trouble.
15 Like a loud lion and a wild bear, so is a bad leader to the poor.
16 A ruler who lacks understanding is also very harsh, but someone who hates greed will live a long time.
17 Anyone who hurts another person must run away to a deep hole; nobody should help him.
18 Anyone who lives in a good way will be safe, but someone who chooses to do wrong will suddenly fail.
19 The one who works their land will have lots of bread, but the one who chases after worthless people will have plenty of poverty.
20 A loyal person will have many blessings, but someone rushing to get rich won’t stay guiltless.
21 Showing favoritism is wrong: a person might sin just for a small piece of food.
22 Someone who rushes to get rich has bad intentions and does not realize that they will become poor.
23 Someone who corrects a person will later be appreciated more than someone who uses words to flatter.
24 Anyone who steals from their father or mother and says it’s not wrong is a friend of someone who destroys.
25 A person with a proud heart causes conflict, but one who trusts in God will prosper.
26 Anyone who trusts only in themselves is foolish, but someone who acts wisely will be safe.
27 Whoever gives to the poor will not be in need, but one who ignores them will face many troubles.
28 When bad people gain power, others hide; but when they die, the good grow in number.